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Mindfulness in Your Everyday Life

Adrian Tanase / Adrian Tanase
The simple practice of mindfulness which can be explained in a few words as 'directing our awareness in the present moment' can help us maintain a clear mind and sharp attention and it is discussed explained and analyzed from many different perspectives uncovering most of the facets of conscious living in our today's society.This book is all about mindful living where two different practices are recurrently present as a means to sustain our conscious approach: mindfulness and meditation. I am presenting simple techniques that will sustain a conscious approach to life helping your perception to always be clear and rooted in the present moment and transforming your approach to life into a stress-free relaxed and aware point of view.Even if you already know about mindfulness or you are looking to find a resource to explain it more in-depth to you this book manages to touch on most of the aspects that are related to our mind and to our relationship to this world to the direct experience that we can have when we discard or transcend our Ego and mostly to our personal relationship with the dynamic and ever-changing present moment.I hope that everyone that reads my book will get to witness in time their pristine clear and natural state of mind getting to gradually see the gaps of thought through the practice of mindfulness and meditation and finally witnessing the unwavering mind of no-thought which will illuminate and radically change their perception on life.

  • Published by Crystal Gate Publishing
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Target Audience Children
  • Released 15th July 2022
  • Duration 06 Hrs. 23 Mins.